European Lingerie Group AB

ELG AB [European Lingerie Group AB (publ), Norrlandsgatan 16, 111 43 Stockholm, Sweden, tel: +371 2609 4605, ] provides this privacy notice to all our investors and cooperation partners in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the e-Privacy Directive.

As our investments and investment opportunities are directed at legal entities, ELG considers the processing of its investors’ data to fall generally outside the scope of applicability of the GDPR. However, acknowledging that due to different interpretations of certain provisions of the e-Privacy Directive in the various EU Member States, ELG AB’s investor data may be regarded as personal data, and wishing to afford adequate protection to such data, ELG AB provides this privacy notice for transparency and compliance.

1. Purpose of the processing investor data

ELG AB’s main activity is identifying legal entities interested in investing, or having invested, in the ELG AB securities. ELG AB collects contact data (company name, name of the representative, e-mail, telephone number) of legal entities as potential investors at investor events, investor roadshows, meetings, via business contacts and online via the ELG AB corporate webpage: This data is used to contact potential investors with offers, updates and information about existing and potential investment opportunities. ELG AB also uses cookies to operate and optimize its website (see section 3).

2. Marketing Communications

In direct marketing communications, ELG AB relies on Article 13 (2) of the e-Privacy Directive. As ELG AB has obtained the electronic contact details from our investors in the context of their interest in the securities of ELG AB, the latter has a legitimate interest to use these electronic contact details for corporate, financial and marketing information relating to existing and potential investment opportunities.

Recipients of ELG AB’s marketing information, including the newsletter, are given, upon the initial collection of their contact details, a clear opportunity to refuse certain uses of their contact details. The same opportunity is provided each time when electronic contact details are used for direct marketing. Investors are also able to exercise their right to refuse direct marketing communications over an electronic communications network.

ELG AB’s e-mail communications are clearly identifiable as such. They contain instructions allowing the investor to exercise the right to refuse further communications from ELG AB. The exercise of this right is free of charge.

With respect to the parties interested in ELG AB’s activities and investment opportunities, we process the data provided to us to identify and further detail investment interests and opportunities.

3. Cookies

When browsing ELG AB’s corporate website, hidden identifiers, popularly known as ‘cookies’ will be placed on the devices used to browse the website. Cookies are used to analyze the effectiveness of website design and advertising and to better understand the interests and navigation patterns of our website visitors. Such information will be anonymous and used only for statistical purposes.

Users have the opportunity to refuse the use of cookies by adjusting the privacy settings of their devices or browsing software. Rejecting or restricting the use of cookies may result in limited functionality of the ELG AB’s website.

In particular, we use the “Google Analytics” service, which sends user tracking data to the Google servers. In its Privacy policy, Google prohibits the transmission of personally identifiable information, so we invite you to accept the usage of these non-mandatory cookies. For more information on “Google Analytics” cookies, please see here (

To manage the use of cookies and your consent, please click here.

4. GDPR compliance causes

For any individuals who wish to be engaged in or informed of the ELG AB’s corporate activities or included in the ELG AB’s corporate database, as well as for the representatives of legal entities who, in accordance with their domestic legislation, are or may be regarded as data subjects under the GDPR, we kindly ask you to fill in the consent form. Consent forms are available at our events and on the ELG AB’s corporate webpage.

The Controller of any personal data processed under sections 1-3 is ELG AB [European Lingerie Group AB (publ), Norrlandsgatan 16, 111 43 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel: +371 2609 4605, ]. We share personal data with other ELG Group entities for administrative purposes.

For the purpose of direct marketing communications, ELG AB may share relevant contact data with newsletter service providers.

We retain investors’ contact data for the duration of the business relationship. Unless otherwise specified, relevant parts of business relationships end with the refusal of direct marketing communications by the investor. We may retain back-up copies of investors’ data up to six months after the end of the business relationship.

ELG AB does not transfer data of our investors to countries outside the EU/EEA.

ELG AB does not conduct profiling or automated decision-making.

When it is concluded that the processing of investors’ data is subject to GDPR, respective investors are granted the following rights under Articles 12-22 of the GDPR:

  • Right to access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object
  • Right to submit complaints
  • Compensation and liability

To exercise these rights, investors are to send their request to

In case of complaints or claims, investors have the right to be assisted by the Swedish Data Protection Authority: Datainspektionen, /,, +46 08-657 61 00.